Training “Problem based learning (PBL) approaches across study programs”

Date: 03 Jun 2019

The PBL-methodology is actually adopted as a didactic methodology for the MIILETUS virtual and blended mobility programs. Practical experiences from already realised first and second virtual mobility runs is analysed and evaluated. The focus of the PBL-training is on the methodological approach to the design and supervision of learning programs for students at Bachelor, Master and PhD Level with a special focus on the supervision and motivation of interdisciplinary and intercultural student groups. The PBL training will form the theoretical framework for the supervision of the MILETUS virtual and blended mobility programs as well as the future mobility programs at the partner HEIs. The PBL training is planned for 03-04 June 2019 in Copenhagen and Aalborg University (AAU), as the leading university in Europe applying the PBL approach in its teaching methodology, is kindly willing to organize and conduct the PBL training for the academic staff of the partner HEIs.

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