WP1 – Preparation


  • Students are willing to provide feedback on mobility-related needs and requirements.
  • International companies are ready to share their vision of skills expected of graduates.
  • Partners in PCs are capable of assessing their own drawbacks and possible fields of growth with regard to students’ mobility and internationalization.
  • Availability of interviewees for analysis of previous students’ mobility programs.


  • International companies fail to provide their input in time or provide insufficient description of expected graduates’ skills.
  • Some critical deficiencies in internationalization and students’ mobility capacity are left unconsidered.
  • Inability to conduct thorough analysis of previous mobility programs due to unavailability of students for interviewing.


The first preparation work package will encompass a number of deliverables targeting general students’ mobility and internationalization capacity building. UNI takes the WP lead. Activities within WP 1 will begin after the project’s kick-off (DEV 7.5.1). They start with a definition of mobility and its role in educational process, existing regulatory basis and identified practices in Serbia and Ukraine followed by collection and analysis of good / best practices in the field of students’ mobility beyond the project partner’s experience in the Programme Countries. The corresponding status quo in Ukraine and Serbia will be analyzed to exactly specify deficiencies and potentials previously identified in this proposal. Primarily previous students’ experiences serve as starting point for improvement. Students, especially those with some kind of impairment precluding them from the opportunity to embark on a real students’ mobility experience, will be asked to elaborate on their needs, wishes, and requirements for virtual mobility runs. International companies’ representatives will be asked to detail competences potential employees are expected to have for working in geographically dispersed groups, i.e. to be able to work for such companies. The analysis of EU, Serbian, and Ukrainian students and universities’ experiences as well as the needs of (disabled) students and their future employees will be synthesized in a report to be published for all participants from Ukraine and Serbia. This report will fundamentally prepare participants for training sessions.