PERSONAL DETAILS Surname*: Name*: Gender*: МаleFemale Date of birth*: Place of birth*: Address Country*: Street*: Zip code*: City*: Valid passport number*: Date of expiry*: Citizenship*: E-mail address*: HOME INSTITUTION Name of your institution*: Faculty*: Level of study: PhD student Field of study: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Please select an interested research area (you can select several different research areas: Computer Science and IT (TUHH, EENU, POLIMI, SU)Energy (TUHH)Engineering (TUHH, UNS, SU, POLIMI, PHEI KUH PUA)Environmental Science (TUHH, POLIMI)Health care (NaUKMA, POLIMI)Logistics and Supply Chain Management (TUHH, POLIMI, AAU)Management (TUHH, UNS, PHEI, KUH, PUA, MNAU, POLIMI)Manufacturing and production (TUHH, AAU, POLIMI)Marketing (POLIMI, PHEI KUH PUA)Material Science (UNS)Mathematics (NaUKMA, SU)Multidisciplinary (UNS)Psychology (NaUKMA)Social Sciences (PHEI KUH PUA, NaUKMA, UNI, MNAU, POLIMI, TUHH)Law (NaUKMA)Linguistics and Language (UNI) [group group-science-2-1] Computer Science (SU)Information Technologies (TUHH, EENU, POLIMI) [group group-science-3-1] General Computer Science (SU)Computer Vision (SU)Machine Learning (SU)Data science (SU)Signal Processing (SU) [/group] [group group-science-3-2] General Information Technologies (TUHH, EENU, POLIMI)IT security (TUHH, EENU)Block chain and big data in SCM (POLIMI, TUHH)Digital transformation in the epc sector (POLIMI)Information Systems and Management (TUHH)Problems of information space security and national information security (EENU)Personal data protection and online privacy (EENU)E-Democracy and digital citizenship (EENU) [/group] [/group] [group group-science-2-2] Renewable Energy and Sustainability (TUHH) [/group] [group group-science-2-3] Electrical Engineering (TUHH, UNS, SU)Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (TUHH, POLIMI, SU)Engineering Other (PHEI KUH PUA) [group group-science-3-3] General Electrical Engineering (TUHH, UNS, SU)Design, manufacturing and characterization of different types of sensors (UNS)Signal Processing (SU)Wireless Communications (SU) [/group] [group group-science-3-4] General Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (TUHH, POLIMI, SU)Complex system engineering for the transition towards circular economy (POLIMI)Measurements and instrumentations (SU) [/group] [group group-science-3-5] Social engineering (PHEI KUH PUA) [/group] [/group] [group group-science-2-4] General Environmental Science (TUHH, POLIMI)Green industrial efficiency (POLIMI) [/group] [group group-science-2-5] General healthcare management (NaUKMA, POLIMI)Healthcare risk management (POLIMI)Health care reform in Ukraine (NaUKMA)Health care service organization and financing (NaUKMA) [/group] [group group-science-2-6] Transportation (TUHH)Urban Studies (TUHH, POLIMI)Supply Chain Management (TUHH, AAU, POLIMI) [group group-science-3-6] General Transportation (TUHH) [/group] [group group-science-3-7] General Urban studies (TUHH, POLIMI)Critical infrastructure systems (TUHH, POLIMI) [/group] [group group-science-3-8] General Supply Chain Management (TUHH, AAU, POLIMI)Security in SCM (TUHH)Sustainable supply chain management (POLIMI)Supply chain management for circular economy (POLIMI)Supply chain risk management and resilience (POLIMI)Coordination between sustainable innovation and supply chain management (POLIMI)Supply chain risk management in industries operating by large projects (POLIMI)Supplier selection techniques (POLIMI)Block chain and big data in SCM (POLIMI, TUHH) [/group] [/group] [group group-science-2-7] Risk management (TUHH)Management of Technology and Innovation (TUHH, UNS)Strategy and Management (TUHH)Human resource management (PHEI KUH PUA)Communication management (PHEI KUH PUA)Education management (PHEI KUH PUA)Regional economy (MNAU)Smart rural development (MNAU)Urban Studies (TUHH, POLIMI) [group group-science-3-9] General Urban studies (TUHH, POLIMI)Critical infrastructure systems (POLIMI, TUHH) [/group] [/group] [group group-science-2-8] General Manufacturing and Production (TUHH, AAU, POLIMI)Mass Customization (AAU)Reconfigurable manufacturing (AAU)Manufacturing System Platforms (AAU)Outsourcing of production systems (AAU)Configuration of global production systems (AAU)Globalisation (AAU)Production planning (POLIMI, TUHH)Occupational safety and health in industry (POLIMI)Applied ergonomics in industry (POLIMI)Managing critical materials in industrial systems and supply chains (POLIMI) [/group] [group group-science-2-9] Digital marketing communication (POLIMI)Social marketing (PHEI KUH PUA)Political marketing (PHEI KUH PUA) [/group] [group group-science-2-10] Microfluidics (Lab-on-chip, Organ-on-chip) - fabrication and testing (UNS)3D printing, rapid prototyping (UNS)Food-based electronics (UNS)Textile electronics (UNS) [/group] [group group-science-2-11] Applied Mathematics (NaUKMA, SU) [group group-science-3-11] Discrete Mathematics (NaUKMA)Algebra: Theory of Groups and Semigroups (NaUKMA)Stochastic Processes, Optimization, and Control Theory (NaUKMA)Financial Mathematics (NaUKMA)Data Analysis (NaUKMA)Machine Learning (SU) [/group] [/group] [group group-science-2-12] Competitive project proposal writing (UNS) [/group] [group group-science-2-13] Applied Psychology (NaUKMA) [group group-science-3-13] General Applied Psychology (NaUKMA)Mental Health & Psychosocial Resilience (NaUKMA) [/group] [/group] [group group-science-2-14] Communication (PHEI KUH PUA)Cultural Studies (NaUKMA, UNI)Education (PHEI KUH PUA, MNAU)General Social Sciences (NaUKMA, PHEI KUH PUA)Gender Studies (NaUKMA, POLIMI)International Relations (TUHH, UNI, NaUKMA, MNAU)Public Administration (PHEI KUH PUA)Social media (POLIMI) [group group-science-3-14] General Communication (PHEI KUH PUA)Communication management (PHEI KUH PUA)Building strategies and developing tactics of social and political leadership (PHEI KUH PUA) [/group] [group group-science-3-15] General Cultural Studies (NaUKMA, UNI)Canadian Studies (UNI)British Studies (UNI)European Studies (NaUKMA) [/group] [group group-science-3-16] General Education (PHEI KUH PUA)Education management (PHEI KUH PUA, MNAU)Ethics in research (MNAU) [/group] [group group-science-3-17] General Social Science (NaUKMA, PHEI KUH PUA)Social structures and culture (NaUKMA)Social and cultural transformations in post-Soviet countries (NaUKMA)Social and political philosophy (NaUKMA)Modern social inequalities (PHEI KUH PUA)Management of social groups and processes (PHEI KUH PUA) [/group] [group group-science-3-18] General Gender Studies (NaUKMA, POLIMI)Female entrepreneurship (POLIMI)Gender issues in organizations (POLIMI)Leveraging technology and digital transformation for assuring equal opportunities (POLIMI)Sociology of Gender (NaUKMA)Social Structure of Society (NaUKMA)Gender Relations and Gender Politics in Ukraine and Sweden (NaUKMA)Social Inequality and Social Problems (NaUKMA)Women's, Men's and LGBT Movements (NaUKMA) [/group] [group group-science-3-21] General Internationalisation (TUHH, UNI, NaUKMA, MNAU)EU External Relations (NaUKMA)Regional Integration (NaUKMA) [/group] [group group-science-3-22] Public relations (PHEI KUH PUA) [/group] [group group-science-3-23] General Social Media (POLIMI)Perceived authenticity in social media influencer marketing (POLIMI) [/group] [/group] [group group-science-2-15] General Law (NaUKMA)EU Legal Studies (NaUKMA)International law and security studies including hybrid warfare (NaUKMA)Corruption, de jure and de facto inconsistencies in governance (NaUKMA)Satisfaction with health care services (NaUKMA)Conflict resolution and transformation (NaUKMA)Mediation (NaUKMA)Hybrid conflict and hybrid warfare (NaUKMA)Conflict-analysis (NaUKMA) [/group] [group group-science-2-16] General Applied Linguistics (UNI)Short Fiction (UNI)Literature and Private Life (UNI)Canadian Literature (UNI)English Literature (UNI) [/group] Computer Science and IT (TUHH, EENU, POLIMI, SU)Energy (TUHH)Engineering (TUHH, UNS, SU, POLIMI, PHEI KUH PUA)Environmental Science (TUHH, POLIMI)Health care (NaUKMA, POLIMI)Logistics and Supply Chain Management (TUHH, POLIMI, AAU)Management (TUHH, UNS, PHEI, KUH, PUA, MNAU, POLIMI)Manufacturing and production (TUHH, AAU, POLIMI)Marketing (POLIMI, PHEI KUH PUA)Material Science (UNS)Mathematics (NaUKMA, SU)Multidisciplinary (UNS)Psychology (NaUKMA)Social Sciences (PHEI KUH PUA, NaUKMA, UNI, MNAU, POLIMI, TUHH)Law (NaUKMA)Linguistics and Language (UNI) [group group-science2-2-1] Computer science (SU)Information Technologies (TUHH, EENU, POLIMI) [group group-science2-3-1] General Computer science (SU)Computer Vision (SU)Machine Learning (SU)Data science (SU)Signal Processing (SU) [/group] [group group-science2-3-2] General Information Technologies (TUHH, EENU, POLIMI)IT security (TUHH, EENU)Block chain and big data in SCM (POLIMI, TUHH)Digital transformation in the epc sector (POLIMI)Information Systems and Management (TUHH)Problems of information space security and national information security (EENU)Personal data protection and online privacy (EENU)E-Democracy and digital citizenship (EENU) [/group] [/group] [group group-science2-2-2] Renewable Energy and Sustainability (TUHH) [/group] [group group-science2-2-3] Electrical Engineering (TUHH, UNS, SU)Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (TUHH, POLIMI, SU)Engineering Other (PHEI KUH PUA) [group group-science2-3-3] General Electrical Engineering (TUHH, UNS, SU)Design, manufacturing and characterization of different types of sensors (UNS)Signal Processing (SU)Wireless Communications (SU) [/group] [group group-science2-3-4] General Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (TUHH, POLIMI, SU)Complex system engineering for the transition towards circular economy (POLIMI)Measurements and instrumentations (SU) [/group] [group group-science2-3-5] Social engineering (PHEI KUH PUA) [/group] [/group] [group group-science2-2-4] General Environmental science (TUHH, POLIMI)Green industrial efficiency (POLIMI) [/group] [group group-science2-2-5] General healthcare management (NaUKMA, POLIMI)Healthcare risk management (POLIMI)Health care reform in Ukraine (NaUKMA)Health care service organization and financing (NaUKMA) [/group] [group group-science2-2-6] Transportation (TUHH)Urban Studies (TUHH, POLIMI)Supply Chain Management (TUHH, AAU, POLIMI) [group group-science2-3-6] General Transportation (TUHH) [/group] [group group-science2-3-7] General Urban studies (TUHH, POLIMI)Critical infrastructure systems (TUHH, POLIMI) [/group] [group group-science2-3-8] General Supply Chain Management (TUHH, AAU, POLIMI)Security in SCM (TUHH)Sustainable supply chain management (POLIMI)Supply chain management for circular economy (POLIMI)Supply chain risk management and resilience (POLIMI)Coordination between sustainable innovation and supply chain management (POLIMI)Supply chain risk management in industries operating by large projects (POLIMI)Supplier selection techniques (POLIMI)Block chain and big data in SCM (POLIMI, TUHH) [/group] [/group] [group group-science2-2-7] Risk management (TUHH)Management of Technology and Innovation (TUHH, UNS)Strategy and Management (TUHH)Human resource management (PHEI KUH PUA)Communication management (PHEI KUH PUA)Education management (PHEI KUH PUA)Regional economy (MNAU)Smart rural development (MNAU)Urban Studies (TUHH, POLIMI) [group group-science2-3-9] General Urban studies (TUHH, POLIMI)Critical infrastructure systems (POLIMI, TUHH) [/group] [/group] [group group-science2-2-8] General Manufacturing and Production (TUHH, AAU, POLIMI)Mass Customization (AAU)Reconfigurable manufacturing (AAU)Manufacturing System Platforms (AAU)Outsourcing of production systems (AAU)Configuration of global production systems (AAU)Globalisation (AAU)Production planning (POLIMI, TUHH)Occupational safety and health in industry (POLIMI)Applied ergonomics in industry (POLIMI)Managing critical materials in industrial systems and supply chains (POLIMI) [/group] [group group-science2-2-9] Digital marketing communication (POLIMI)Social marketing (PHEI KUH PUA)Political marketing (PHEI KUH PUA) [/group] [group group-science2-2-10] Microfluidics (Lab-on-chip, Organ-on-chip) - fabrication and testing (UNS)3D printing, rapid prototyping (UNS)Food-based electronics (UNS)Textile electronics (UNS) [/group] [group group-science2-2-11] Applied Mathematics (NaUKMA, SU) [group group-science2-3-11] Discrete Mathematics (NaUKMA)Algebra: Theory of Groups and Semigroups (NaUKMA)Stochastic Processes, Optimization, and Control Theory (NaUKMA)Financial Mathematics (NaUKMA)Data Analysis (NaUKMA)Machine Learning (SU) [/group] [/group] [group group-science2-2-12] Competitive project proposal writing (UNS) [/group] [group group-science2-2-13] Applied Psychology (NaUKMA) [group group-science2-3-13] General Applied Psychology (NaUKMA)Mental Health & Psychosocial Resilience (NaUKMA) [/group] [/group] [group group-science2-2-14] Communication (PHEI KUH PUA)Cultural Studies (NaUKMA, UNI)Education (PHEI KUH PUA, MNAU)General Social science2s (NaUKMA, PHEI KUH PUA)Gender Studies (NaUKMA, POLIMI)International Relations (TUHH, UNI, NaUKMA, MNAU)Public Administration (PHEI KUH PUA)Social media (POLIMI) [group group-science2-3-14] General Communication (PHEI KUH PUA)Communication management (PHEI KUH PUA)Building strategies and developing tactics of social and political leadership (PHEI KUH PUA) [/group] [group group-science2-3-15] General Cultural Studies (NaUKMA, UNI)Canadian Studies (UNI)British Studies (UNI)European Studies (NaUKMA) [/group] [group group-science2-3-16] General Education (PHEI KUH PUA)Education management (PHEI KUH PUA, MNAU)Ethics in research (MNAU) [/group] [group group-science2-3-17] General Social science (NaUKMA, PHEI KUH PUA)Social structures and culture (NaUKMA)Social and cultural transformations in post-Soviet countries (NaUKMA)Social and political philosophy (NaUKMA)Modern social inequalities (PHEI KUH PUA)Management of social groups and processes (PHEI KUH PUA) [/group] [group group-science2-3-18] General Gender Studies (NaUKMA, POLIMI)Female entrepreneurship (POLIMI)Gender issues in organizations (POLIMI)Leveraging technology and digital transformation for assuring equal opportunities (POLIMI)Sociology of Gender (NaUKMA)Social Structure of Society (NaUKMA)Gender Relations and Gender Politics in Ukraine and Sweden (NaUKMA)Social Inequality and Social Problems (NaUKMA)Women's, Men's and LGBT Movements (NaUKMA) [/group] [group group-science2-3-21] General Internationalisation (TUHH, UNI, NaUKMA, MNAU)EU External Relations (NaUKMA)Regional Integration (NaUKMA) [/group] [group group-science2-3-22] Public relations (PHEI KUH PUA) [/group] [group group-science2-3-23] General Social Media (POLIMI)Perceived authenticity in social media influencer marketing (POLIMI) [/group] [/group] [group group-science2-2-15] General Law (NaUKMA)EU Legal Studies (NaUKMA)International law and security studies including hybrid warfare (NaUKMA)Corruption, de jure and de facto inconsistencies in governance (NaUKMA)Satisfaction with health care services (NaUKMA)Conflict resolution and transformation (NaUKMA)Mediation (NaUKMA)Hybrid conflict and hybrid warfare (NaUKMA)Conflict-analysis (NaUKMA) [/group] [group group-science2-2-16] General Applied Linguistics (UNI)Short Fiction (UNI)Literature and Private Life (UNI)Canadian Literature (UNI)English Literature (UNI) [/group] Computer Science and IT (TUHH, EENU, POLIMI, SU)Energy (TUHH)Engineering (TUHH, UNS, SU, POLIMI, PHEI KUH PUA)Environmental Science (TUHH, POLIMI)Health care (NaUKMA, POLIMI)Logistics and Supply Chain Management (TUHH, POLIMI, AAU)Management (TUHH, UNS, PHEI, KUH, PUA, MNAU, POLIMI)Manufacturing and production (TUHH, AAU, POLIMI)Marketing (POLIMI, PHEI KUH PUA)Material Science (UNS)Mathematics (NaUKMA, SU)Multidisciplinary (UNS)Psychology (NaUKMA)Social Sciences (PHEI KUH PUA, NaUKMA, UNI, MNAU, POLIMI, TUHH)Law (NaUKMA)Linguistics and Language (UNI) [group group-science3-2-1] Computer science (SU)Information Technologies (TUHH, EENU, POLIMI) [group group-science3-3-1] General Computer science (SU)Computer Vision (SU)Machine Learning (SU)Data science (SU)Signal Processing (SU) [/group] [group group-science3-3-2] General Information Technologies (TUHH, EENU, POLIMI)IT security (TUHH, EENU)Block chain and big data in SCM (POLIMI, TUHH)Digital transformation in the epc sector (POLIMI)Information Systems and Management (TUHH)Problems of information space security and national information security (EENU)Personal data protection and online privacy (EENU)E-Democracy and digital citizenship (EENU) [/group] [/group] [group group-science3-2-2] Renewable Energy and Sustainability (TUHH) [/group] [group group-science3-2-3] Electrical Engineering (TUHH, UNS, SU)Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (TUHH, POLIMI, SU)Engineering Other (PHEI KUH PUA) [group group-science3-3-3] General Electrical Engineering (TUHH, UNS, SU)Design, manufacturing and characterization of different types of sensors (UNS)Signal Processing (SU)Wireless Communications (SU) [/group] [group group-science3-3-4] General Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (TUHH, POLIMI, SU)Complex system engineering for the transition towards circular economy (POLIMI)Measurements and instrumentations (SU) [/group] [group group-science3-3-5] Social engineering (PHEI KUH PUA) [/group] [/group] [group group-science3-2-4] General Environmental science (TUHH, POLIMI)Green industrial efficiency (POLIMI) [/group] [group group-science3-2-5] General healthcare management (NaUKMA, POLIMI)Healthcare risk management (POLIMI)Health care reform in Ukraine (NaUKMA)Health care service organization and financing (NaUKMA) [/group] [group group-science3-2-6] Transportation (TUHH)Urban Studies (TUHH, POLIMI)Supply Chain Management (TUHH, AAU, POLIMI) [group group-science3-3-6] General Transportation (TUHH) [/group] [group group-science3-3-7] General Urban studies (TUHH, POLIMI)Critical infrastructure systems (TUHH, POLIMI) [/group] [group group-science3-3-8] General Supply Chain Management (TUHH, AAU, POLIMI)Security in SCM (TUHH)Sustainable supply chain management (POLIMI)Supply chain management for circular economy (POLIMI)Supply chain risk management and resilience (POLIMI)Coordination between sustainable innovation and supply chain management (POLIMI)Supply chain risk management in industries operating by large projects (POLIMI)Supplier selection techniques (POLIMI)Block chain and big data in SCM (POLIMI, TUHH) [/group] [/group] [group group-science3-2-7] Risk management (TUHH)Management of Technology and Innovation (TUHH, UNS)Strategy and Management (TUHH)Human resource management (PHEI KUH PUA)Communication management (PHEI KUH PUA)Education management (PHEI KUH PUA)Regional economy (MNAU)Smart rural development (MNAU)Urban Studies (TUHH, POLIMI) [group group-science3-3-9] General Urban studies (TUHH, POLIMI)Critical infrastructure systems (POLIMI, TUHH) [/group] [/group] [group group-science3-2-8] General Manufacturing and Production (TUHH, AAU, POLIMI)Mass Customization (AAU)Reconfigurable manufacturing (AAU)Manufacturing System Platforms (AAU)Outsourcing of production systems (AAU)Configuration of global production systems (AAU)Globalisation (AAU)Production planning (POLIMI, TUHH)Occupational safety and health in industry (POLIMI)Applied ergonomics in industry (POLIMI)Managing critical materials in industrial systems and supply chains (POLIMI) [/group] [group group-science3-2-9] Digital marketing communication (POLIMI)Social marketing (PHEI KUH PUA)Political marketing (PHEI KUH PUA) [/group] [group group-science3-2-10] Microfluidics (Lab-on-chip, Organ-on-chip) - fabrication and testing (UNS)3D printing, rapid prototyping (UNS)Food-based electronics (UNS)Textile electronics (UNS) [/group] [group group-science3-2-11] Applied Mathematics (NaUKMA, SU) [group group-science3-3-11] Discrete Mathematics (NaUKMA)Algebra: Theory of Groups and Semigroups (NaUKMA)Stochastic Processes, Optimization, and Control Theory (NaUKMA)Financial Mathematics (NaUKMA)Data Analysis (NaUKMA)Machine Learning (SU) [/group] [/group] [group group-science3-2-12] Competitive project proposal writing (UNS) [/group] [group group-science3-2-13] Applied Psychology (NaUKMA) [group group-science3-3-13] General Applied Psychology (NaUKMA)Mental Health & Psychosocial Resilience (NaUKMA) [/group] [/group] [group group-science3-2-14] Communication (PHEI KUH PUA)Cultural Studies (NaUKMA, UNI)Education (PHEI KUH PUA, MNAU)General Social science3s (NaUKMA, PHEI KUH PUA)Gender Studies (NaUKMA, POLIMI)International Relations (TUHH, UNI, NaUKMA, MNAU)Public Administration (PHEI KUH PUA)Social media (POLIMI) [group group-science3-3-14] General Communication (PHEI KUH PUA)Communication management (PHEI KUH PUA)Building strategies and developing tactics of social and political leadership (PHEI KUH PUA) [/group] [group group-science3-3-15] General Cultural Studies (NaUKMA, UNI)Canadian Studies (UNI)British Studies (UNI)European Studies (NaUKMA) [/group] [group group-science3-3-16] General Education (PHEI KUH PUA)Education management (PHEI KUH PUA, MNAU)Ethics in research (MNAU) [/group] [group group-science3-3-17] General Social science (NaUKMA, PHEI KUH PUA)Social structures and culture (NaUKMA)Social and cultural transformations in post-Soviet countries (NaUKMA)Social and political philosophy (NaUKMA)Modern social inequalities (PHEI KUH PUA)Management of social groups and processes (PHEI KUH PUA) [/group] [group group-science3-3-18] General Gender Studies (NaUKMA, POLIMI)Female entrepreneurship (POLIMI)Gender issues in organizations (POLIMI)Leveraging technology and digital transformation for assuring equal opportunities (POLIMI)Sociology of Gender (NaUKMA)Social Structure of Society (NaUKMA)Gender Relations and Gender Politics in Ukraine and Sweden (NaUKMA)Social Inequality and Social Problems (NaUKMA)Women's, Men's and LGBT Movements (NaUKMA) [/group] [group group-science3-3-21] General Internationalisation (TUHH, UNI, NaUKMA, MNAU)EU External Relations (NaUKMA)Regional Integration (NaUKMA) [/group] [group group-science3-3-22] Public relations (PHEI KUH PUA) [/group] [group group-science3-3-23] General Social Media (POLIMI)Perceived authenticity in social media influencer marketing (POLIMI) [/group] [/group] [group group-science3-2-15] General Law (NaUKMA)EU Legal Studies (NaUKMA)International law and security studies including hybrid warfare (NaUKMA)Corruption, de jure and de facto inconsistencies in governance (NaUKMA)Satisfaction with health care services (NaUKMA)Conflict resolution and transformation (NaUKMA)Mediation (NaUKMA)Hybrid conflict and hybrid warfare (NaUKMA)Conflict-analysis (NaUKMA) [/group] [group group-science3-2-16] General Applied Linguistics (UNI)Short Fiction (UNI)Literature and Private Life (UNI)Canadian Literature (UNI)English Literature (UNI) [/group] IF YOU CANNOT FIND YOUR FIELD OF RESEARCH, PLEASE ENTER YOUR RESEARCH INTEREST HERE SO THAT WE CAN PROCESS IT INDIVIDUALLY: KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES English A1A2B1B2C1C2native speaker German A1A2B1B2C1C2native speaker Italian A1A2B1B2C1C2native speaker Other A1A2B1B2C1C2native speaker (A1 - beginner A2 - elementary B1 - intermediate B2 - upper-intermediate, C1 - advanced C2 – proficiency) DO YOU HAVE AN EXPERIENCE OF BEING PART OF THE MOBILITY PROJECT (S)? YESNO DO YOU HAVE A DISABILITY/SPECIAL NEEDS? IF YES, PLEASE INCLUDE THE DISABILITY CONFIRMATION SPECIAL NEEDS SUPPORT COMMENTS (IF RELEVANT): SUPPORT DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH THE APPLICATION IN DIGITAL FORM .PDF, .DOC, .DOCX, .XLS, XLSX, .JPG FILES (FILE SIZE NOT MORE THAN 1 MB). NO ORIGINAL OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS NEED TO BE SENT AT APPLICATION: MOTIVATION LETTER (IN ENGLISH) MAX 1 PAGE* Your motivation letter should present reasoning to participate in the blended mobility run, the competencies and skills to be expected to achieve, future perspectives and aspirations after mobility run CV (IN ENGLISH)* RESEARCH PROPOSAL (IN ENGLISH) MAX 3-5 PAGES* The structure of your research proposal shall be as follows: - research field, title, short abstract, - aims, theoretical framework and methodology, - work plan, - bibliographical references. ENROLLMENT CERTIFICATE OR SIMILAR DOCUMENT ON CURRENT PHD STUDENT STATUS ISSUED BY HOME INSTITUTION (IN ENGLISH OR LOCAL LANGUAGE)* This document should contain the name of your institution, level of study, field of study, year of study LIST OF SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS (IN ENGLISH) (DESIRABLE BUT NOT MANDATORY) YOUR COMMENTS AND WISHES (MAX 110 CHARACTERS): DECLARATION** I confirm that the information I have given in this application form is true, complete and no information has been omitted. I consent to the processing of my personal data by the university. * Required field ** According to data protection and security, your personal data will be treated confidentially. The data will be available anonymous only for the interim and final reporting required to achieve the project objectives. Your personal data will be deleted if you withdraw your consent to store the data or if your data is no longer necessary for fulfilling the purpose for which it was stored.