PERSONAL DETAILS Surname*: Name*: Gender*: МаleFemale Date of birth*: Citizenship*: E-mail address*: HOME INSTITUTION Name of your institution*: Faculty*: Level of study: Master studentBachelor student Field of study: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION KNOWLEDGE OF LANGUAGES English A1A2B1B2C1C2native speaker German A1A2B1B2C1C2native speaker Italian A1A2B1B2C1C2native speaker Other A1A2B1B2C1C2native speaker (A1 - beginner A2 - elementary B1 - intermediate B2 - upper-intermediate, C1 - advanced C2 – proficiency) DO YOU HAVE AN EXPERIENCE OF BEING PART OF THE MOBILITY PROJECT (S)? YESNO DO YOU HAVE A DISABILITY/SPECIAL NEEDS? YESNO SPECIAL NEEDS SUPPORT COMMENTS (IF RELEVANT): SUPPORT DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED ALONG WITH THE APPLICATION IN DIGITAL FORM .PDF, .DOC, .DOCX, .XLS, XLSX, .JPG FILES (FILE SIZE NOT MORE THAN 1 MB). NO ORIGINAL OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS NEED TO BE SENT AT APPLICATION: MOTIVATION LETTER (IN ENGLISH) Your motivation letter should present reasoning to participate in the virtual mobility run, the competencies and skills to be expected to achieve, future perspectives and aspirations after mobility run CV (IN ENGLISH) ENROLLMENT CERTIFICATE OF CURRENT STUDENT STATUS ISSUED BY HOME INSTITUTION This document should contain the name of your institution, level of study, field of study, year of study DECLARATION** I confirm that the information I have given in this application form is true, complete and no information has been omitted. I consent to the processing of my personal data by the university. * Required field ** According to data protection and security, your personal data will be treated confidentially. The data will be available anonymous only for the interim and final reporting required to achieve the project objectives. Your personal data will be deleted if you withdraw your consent to store the data or if your data is no longer necessary for fulfilling the purpose for which it was stored.