The training session that took place in Kiev during the first MILETUS meeting were evaluated by the participants to them. A questionnaire has been handled in to the participants at the end of the three-days training session. Three questionnaires were provided, one for each day of training corresponding to one EU partner leading the teaching activities. For TUHH and AAU a single teacher was responsible for lectures and workshop, while for POLIMI two trainers were involved.
The questionnaire aims at evaluating the following aspects:
- Usefulness of the educational content in terms of lectures, workshops and supporting materials provided;
- Adequacy of the learning objectives to be reached in the time provided;
- Quality of teacher-participants interaction during the workshops and quality of teaching during the lectures.
These aspects were investigated through a set of questions adopting a qualitative scale (4 points Likert scale) with the integration of a section devoted to suggestions and comments.
As a whole, all the training session was evaluated good by participants (overall average score considering all the above mentioned 8 criteria and the 3 days was 3,31 (out of 4)).
The main areas of improvement emerging from the evaluation of participants as well as from the comments received, concern time management and a not clear integration between lectures and workshop activities. All these considerations have been shared with the trainers.